if the world ends tomorrow, would you befriend your worst enemies today?


25 October 2010

'Stupid' Should Be A Restricted Word.

i'm not a child, i know which is joke, or which one isn't. 'stupid' is quite a harsh word, yet we're still using them in our daily conversation.

"Bodo la kau"
"Bodo taw!"
"Bodo tak hengat...~!" and etc..

but to be said 'stupid' by whom we respect and adore, someone who we should love and appreciate, that's definitely not a comfortable word to be listened to.

"benda macam tu pun tak boleh buat? laa~ tak sangka ada manusia bodoh sebegini..." is much worse than any other taunts i've ever received.

yeah, i'm not a smart person. not even a talented one. i know. but who are you to say i'm stupid? psh, i guess everyone thinks they know everything, that's why they've the guts to call other people stupid.

whatever. the fact that i know is, i'm not stupid. and yeah, STUPID should be a restricted word. fullstop.


  1. haha memang ah. name pn tmpat emo LOL

  2. You are NOT stupid *hugs you*
    How can a stupid person wrote so many good fics?? You ARE smart, dear ^^

    Tapi kalau ingat HeeChul-Sungmin-Eunhyuk-Kangin crossdressing di Intimate Note trus nyanyi Gee Gee dan bilang "Babo~" itu lucu banget, hahaha XDD

  3. aww *blushing*
    thanks hun^^

    owh psh... XD they're cute even though they're babo LOL

