if the world ends tomorrow, would you befriend your worst enemies today?


24 October 2010

I'm Back.

hey there. yeah it's me. i don't really know what am i supposed to do with my holiday, so i made a blog in Blogger once again. yeah i used to have one but it's already deleted. 

why? because the old one suck. hahaha. and the posts were kinda serious (even though they were all rubbish) that even i got bored reading them. just assume that this one is just for fun.

i'm going to post random stuff in here, so don't bother to move to other blog if you're bored. hahaha and most probably, it will be filled with emo-ish posts, so don't hold back and cuss if you feel like it LOL.

that's all. this is my first post. happy? 

